Angels, Demons, and Faith: How to Stand Strong in Spiritual Battles
Charlie and Abigail conclude their exploration of angelology and spiritual warfare, diving into the biblical realities of angels, demons, and Satan’s influence in the world. They address common misconceptions, such as the meaning behind the name “Lucifer,” and emphasize the need to avoid two extremes: dismissing spiritual evil entirely or being overwhelmed by it.
Through passages like Ephesians 6, they unpack the “armor of God,” focusing on tools like truth, righteousness, and faith that equip us to stand firm against spiritual attacks. This episode highlights the balance between awareness of spiritual forces and confidence in Christ’s victory, reminding us that greater is He who is in us than the one in the world.
Join us for an engaging discussion about spiritual preparedness, faith, and living a balanced, biblically-informed life. This conversation offers practical insights to help navigate the unseen battles we face daily.