Unpacking the Doctrine of Inspiration: How the Bible Came to Be God-Breathed

This week, Charlie and Abigail dive into *bibliology*, the study of the Bible, exploring what it means for scripture to be “God-breathed” and inspired. With lighthearted banter, they lead into a rich discussion on the authority of scripture, drawing from passages like 2 Timothy 3:16 and 2 Peter 1:20-21 to explain how God’s guidance shaped the Bible’s creation. 

Charlie and Abigail also tackle questions about translation, the balance between divine inspiration and human authorship, and the significance of traditional male authorship in the Bible’s context. We invite you to reflect on these insights and join the conversation by sending in your questions and thoughts. This episode offers a thoughtful look at the nature of scripture, providing a foundation for those wanting to understand the Bible’s role in faith and life.
Unpacking the Doctrine of Inspiration: How the Bible Came to Be God-Breathed
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