Balancing God's Mercy, Justice, and Grace

In this episode, Charlie and Abigail dive into the fascinating concepts of mercy, justice, grace, and fairness through the lens of systematic theology. Using relatable examples, they break down how these divine attributes of God are intertwined and what that means for us in our everyday lives. From the idea of pleading for mercy after breaking a rule to the profound interplay between God’s justice and grace, they offer insightful reflections on God’s nature.

We invite you to explore these themes with us, considering how God's all-loving nature relates to human experiences of justice, suffering, and grace. Charlie and Abigail also touch on the difference between equality and equity, sharing practical metaphors and Biblical stories, like Noah’s Ark, to illustrate these points. Tune in for a thoughtful discussion, plus book recommendations to deepen your faith journey. Don't miss next week's dive into Bibliology, the study of the Bible!
Balancing God's Mercy, Justice, and Grace
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